SAMUEL P. MASSIE (1919– ) is professor of chemistry (emeritus) at the U.S. Naval Academy where he served on the faculty from 1966 to 1994. In 1994 the U.S. Department of Energy joined AIME, a coalition of Fortune 100 companies, in establishing a Samuel P. Massie Chair of Excellence in Environmental Sciences at each of the ten historically black college and university engineering schools. As widely recognized for his efforts to encourage young people in the sciences as for his scientific achievement, in March 1996 the American Chemical Society awarded him the Dreyfuss Award for his work in developing future careers in chemistry. His 1954 Chemical Reviews article, “The Chemistry of Phenothiazine,” is considered a classic in the field. Dr. Massie is currently vice president of Bingwa Software Company, which develops curricula using multicultural models.

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